[tor-bugs] #24667 [Core Tor/Tor]: OOM needs to consider the DESTROY queued cells

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Dec 19 20:52:29 UTC 2017

#24667: OOM needs to consider the DESTROY queued cells
     Reporter:  dgoulet       |      Owner:  (none)
         Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
     Priority:  Medium        |  Milestone:  Tor: 0.3.3.x-final
    Component:  Core Tor/Tor  |    Version:
     Severity:  Normal        |   Keywords:  tor-cell, tor-circuit, oom
Actual Points:                |  Parent ID:
       Points:                |   Reviewer:
      Sponsor:                |
 Our OOM is only looking a the circuit queue cells and HS descriptors to
 free up memory.

 We need to teach it to cleanup DESTROY cells in case cleaning up the
 circuits is not enough.

 This isn't that trivial because while cleaning up circuits in the OOM
 handler, we will also send DESTROY cells for those thus allocating memory.
 But also not sending those will affects other relays hanging on dead

 All in all, this is an interesting challenge but there might be something
 smart to do even if not perfect.

 The idea here is to avoid an attack that takes advantage of a bug in tor
 that can fill up the DESTROY cell queue and our OOM just can't do anything
 about it.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24667>
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