[tor-bugs] #20004 [Core Tor/Tor]: prop224: Add a trunnel subdirectory specifically for HS
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Oct 31 20:12:40 UTC 2016
#20004: prop224: Add a trunnel subdirectory specifically for HS
Reporter: dgoulet | Owner: dgoulet
Type: enhancement | Status:
| merge_ready
Priority: High | Milestone: Tor:
| 0.3.0.x-final
Component: Core Tor/Tor | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: tor-hs, prop224, TorCoreTeam201610 | Actual Points: 0.5
Parent ID: #17241 | Points: 1
Reviewer: asn | Sponsor:
| SponsorR-must
Comment (by nickm):
So, I think that using a generic cell_extensions mechanism is wrong ''long
term'' but okay for now. Once we are using different cell extensions, we
will want to have the actual body of the extension parsed based on the
field_type's value, which means that using a generic "extension" type
won't work.
But I think it's okay for now, since we don't have specified extensions
yet, right?
Minor comments:
* should sig_len be inside end_sig_fields? If this were RSA, we
couldn't authenticate the signature len, since we wouldn't know it until
we signed.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20004#comment:20>
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