[tor-bugs] #18873 [Core Tor/Tor]: Refactor circuit_predict_and_launch_new()
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blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Oct 31 15:15:21 UTC 2016
#18873: Refactor circuit_predict_and_launch_new()
Reporter: asn | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: needs_revision
Priority: Low | Milestone: Tor: 0.3.0.x-final
Component: Core Tor/Tor | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: refactoring | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: dgoulet | Sponsor:
Changes (by dgoulet):
* status: needs_review => needs_revision
* Syntax nitpick. This has an extra line as it should be `MOCK_IMPL(int,`.
See basically how we do it across the code.
+circuit_all_predicted_ports_handled, (time_t now, int *need_uptime,
+ int *need_capacity))
* This comment confuses me as it doesn't appear to indicate what the
function does or return. As I understand it, the function returns true iff
the circuit matches some criteria that made it available for use.
Documenting those criteria would be useful here. Also, what kind of
circuit can be passed. Any kind? Or origin only or? as I see that it must
be a GENERAL purpose for instance.
+/* Figure out how many circuits we have open that we can use. */
+circuit_is_available_for_use(circuit_t *circ)
* I would `const circuit_t *circ` here and then use
circuit_is_available_for_use(circuit_t *circ)
* Syntax nitpicK: all the `needs_*` have indentation issues. They should
be aligned to each other like such:
return (!circuit_all_predicted_ports_handled(now, needs_uptime,
needs_capacity) &&
router_have_consensus_path() == CONSENSUS_PATH_EXIT);
In the case of this one above, it goes beyond 79 chars on the first line
thus the newline. Note that ideally we like `&&` to be at the end of the
line instead of beginning.
* Further more on this function. This one is tricky as `needs_uptime` and
`needs_capacity` are only set if we do need more Exit circuits so I would
mention it in the comment as there is only one return value that sets
needs_exit_circuits(time_t now, int *needs_uptime, int *needs_capacity)
* I would honestly break this one down inside the function. This has quite
the complicated conditions and the clearer the better as right now it's
not that easy to get and also very easy to misunderstand:
* Syntax:
* This condition has disappeared which is not good as
`TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT()` in `circuit_is_available_for_use()` will explode if
it's not an origin circuit.
- if (!CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
- continue;
and furthermore, this also could explode:
cpath_build_state_t *build_state = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ)->build_state;
That's it for now. Note to myself, next time use Gitlab for code review as
it would have been easier for you, sorry about that :).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/18873#comment:14>
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