[tor-bugs] #20347 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Put "custom" option on security slider?
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Oct 27 12:36:32 UTC 2016
#20347: Put "custom" option on security slider?
Reporter: arthuredelstein | Owner: tbb-
| team
Type: defect | Status:
| needs_revision
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Applications/Tor Browser | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: tbb-usability, tbb-security-slider, | Actual Points:
TorBrowserTeam201610 |
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by gk):
Another thing that confused me (and might tie to my comments above): if I
am on "low" and disable JS via the NoScript button and then click on the
Restore Defaults one the NoSrcipt button does not change. It does not do
so even if I close the dialog. Changes the tab or reloading the page does
change it, though.
Ticket URL: <https://troodi.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20347#comment:9>
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