[tor-bugs] #20204 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Windows don't drag on macOS Sierra
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Thu Oct 27 12:06:09 UTC 2016
#20204: Windows don't drag on macOS Sierra
Reporter: arlolra | Owner: tbb-
| team
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Applications/Tor Browser | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution: fixed
Keywords: ff52-esr-will-have, tbb-usability, | Actual Points:
TorBrowserTeam201610R |
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by gk):
Replying to [comment:33 teor]:
> Is that nightly build supposed to contain the control socket space fix
from #20111?
> Because it broke, and I had to set
extensions.torlauncher.control_port_use_socket to false to get any Tor
Browser to work, even 6.0.5. (They all share the same extensions, because
the extensions are in Application Support, too.)
*sigh*, sorry for that. I rebuilt the browser part lately quite often in
my nightly setup to test various browser fixes. While reviewing and
testing #20111 I copied the torbutton/tor-launcher .xpi over from a local
build to avoid the overhead from our Gitian buils setup. To answer your
question directly: no, the fix for #20111 is not in that bundle yet.
Ticket URL: <https://troodi.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20204#comment:35>
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