[tor-bugs] #20380 [Metrics/CollecTor]: Expand INSTALL.md to a more complete operator's guide
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blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Oct 26 14:05:49 UTC 2016
#20380: Expand INSTALL.md to a more complete operator's guide
Reporter: karsten | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: needs_review
Priority: Medium | Milestone: CollecTor 1.1.0
Component: Metrics/CollecTor | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by iwakeh):
Replying to [comment:9 karsten]:
> ...
> A few thoughts:
> - When you say that closer monitoring will be needed when disk space
drops below a given number, do you mean 200G or 20G or a different number?
I was referring to the disk space available when starting, i.e. very
close to 150G and logging to the same disk requires more attention than a
terabyte setup. Hmm, but if that is confusing just discard it.
> - We shouldn't add new section headers easily. The chosen section
headers and even paragraphs in this document (will) have equivalents in
the other operator's guides for other metrics tools. If we want to add
new sections, we'll also have to add those sections to the other manuals.
The current sections are:
> {{{
> $ grep "^#" INSTALL.md
> # CollecTor Operator's Guide
> ## Setting up the host
> ## Setting up the service
> ## Maintaining the service
> }}}
It's important to have a consistent structure, but it would be helpful for
readers to have sub-headings, which are application dependent. Scrolling
through a document with only generic headings when looking for particular
information takes longer (of course, there is a search).
So, maybe keep the top level consistent and allow for application
dependent headlines below?
> - (continued) What other sections or even subsections should we
include, and what instructions would go into those vs. the existing
I see two more sections.
* 'Planning the Service' contrasts those sections giving a to-do list.
People running instances will have different needs that can be better
covered this way.
* and even more important, a section 'Bootstrapping' or similar. What
data to download before a first run etc. Again this is not a to-do list
as it depends what data should be processed.
> > The idea behind my changes is that I think the service shouldn't be
run from the unpacked tar
> > folder. The tar contains a development environment, so the jar would
disappear after 'ant clean' or changed etc.
> > The runtime directory should only contain files that are really
necessary for the application or which were created by the application.
> > Hope this doesn't make the description too complicated.
> Yes, makes sense, let's change that. There are still a few paths left
where we refer to files in `collector-<version>/` and where we should tell
the user to copy those files to the working directory and run them from
there. I can update those places.
> > I also would like have even less description of tools from the OS,
because such things should be decided by the operator.
> Which parts would that include? The crontab, `@reboot`, `screen`, etc.?
Can you make a list?
When we avoid mentioning any such tools and methods, we avoid getting out
of date and stay platform independent. People operating servers have
their favorite tools for and know what to do when told
* run this script every three days
* provide an http server for serving data and files in folders X, Y, Z.
* for continuous operation ensure start-up on reboot and
* monitoring of logs as well as running service is important
CollecTor does not depend on apache or crontab only the services provided
by them. Even the suggested install of openjdk could be left out. Also
apt-get. Attempt of a list:
* apt-get
* apache2
* crontab
* gpg
* openjdk, only Java 7
* screen
* ...
Another thing would be to use `<OutPath>/recent` and similar instead of
the default choices provided. So, it is clear which option is referred
The backup recommendation I would also leave out. It depends on the setup
and the kind of data collected. Or, move it to 'Planning the service'?
Ticket URL: <https://troodi.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20380#comment:10>
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