[tor-bugs] #20373 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Privacy and Security Settings window opens twice
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Wed Oct 19 14:51:26 UTC 2016
#20373: Privacy and Security Settings window opens twice
Reporter: arthuredelstein | Owner: tbb-
| team
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Applications/Tor Browser | Version:
Severity: Minor | Resolution: fixed
Keywords: tbb-usability, | Actual Points:
TorBrowserTeam201610R |
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by arthuredelstein):
Replying to [comment:4 mcs]:
> I know this is a late comment (and the patch looks OK to me), but rather
than tracking open windows inside Torbutton I would have used
nsIWindowMediator.getMostRecentWindow() to find the dialog if it is open
(we would need to add a unique type attribute to the dialog XUL). Or maybe
there is a reason why that approach would not work in this situation.
I think you're right that this approach would likely work, too. I hadn't
thought of using it. If you or gk would prefer I can add a follow-on
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20373#comment:5>
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