[tor-bugs] #20082 [Core Tor/Tor]: Lower initial descriptor upload delay for hidden services
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blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Oct 12 20:29:30 UTC 2016
#20082: Lower initial descriptor upload delay for hidden services
Reporter: twim | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status:
| needs_revision
Priority: Medium | Milestone: Tor:
| 0.3.0.x-final
Component: Core Tor/Tor | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: tor-hs, research, TorCoreTeam201610 | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: teor | Sponsor:
| SponsorR-can
Comment (by twim):
Replying to [comment:29 dgoulet]:
> @twim, yeah you'll need a Gitlab account, sorry about that but it's
worth it. If you had more commit, I can add them to that branch so we
don't lose our discussion.
Sure, I prefer to move review-specific code to something ephemeral to not
litter trac.
> Removing `proposal-needed?` as we don't define upload delays in the
specification only time period HOWEVER I found this in rend-spec.txt:
> {{{
> When uploading descriptors, the hidden service needs to make sure
> descriptors for different clients are not uploaded at the same time
> Section 1.1) which is also a limiting factor for the number of
> }}}
> We should make sure we actually follow this as this might be important?
Sure, it's really important and somehow I forgot about it. I think there
should be some __short__ random initial delay __only for on-disk
services__ since they are being started at the same time (note that this
code doesn't actually work now). I'll soon update my branch.
The delay for hiding startup time has different purpose and should be
treated separately (see #20262 and my branch `obfuscate-startup-time`).
Ticket URL: <https://troodi.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20082#comment:31>
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