[tor-bugs] #14881 [Core Tor/Tor]: incorrect defaults when producing bandwidth-weights line in directory footer
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blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Oct 4 03:34:54 UTC 2016
#14881: incorrect defaults when producing bandwidth-weights line in directory
Reporter: robgjansen | Owner: pastly
Type: defect | Status:
| needs_revision
Priority: Medium | Milestone: Tor:
| 0.2.9.x-final
Component: Core Tor/Tor | Version: Tor:
| 0.2.7
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: 027-triaged-1-in, 028-triaged, | Actual Points:
pre028-patch, tor-sponsorU-orphan, |
TorCoreTeam-postponed-201604, review-group-9 |
Parent ID: | Points: 3
Reviewer: mikeperry | Sponsor:
| SponsorU-can
Changes (by teor):
* cc: arma (added)
* status: needs_review => needs_revision
Replying to [comment:44 pastly]:
> I've updated my [https://github.com/pastly/public-
tor/tree/ticket14881-v2 public branch] with tests. In comments I mention
limitations due to #20272 and #20285.
Thanks for these!
Code review:
-static int
networkstatus_compute_bw_weights_v10(smartlist_t *chunks, int64_t G,
should replace static with STATIC. STATIC means "static when building tor,
but available when building unit tests".
Otherwise this looks good.
> teor: you mention it would be nice to have a test with values from a
recent consensus. I agree. Where can I find recent real input values `M`,
`G`, etc. that went into producing `Wxx` values? Will an authority need to
be nice and share a line from his log with us?
That might be the easiest way - we could ask arma, who runs a recent
directory authority, often at detailed log levels. Or we could write a
script that downloads a consensus and does that calculation manually.
Asking arma might be easier!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/14881#comment:45>
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