[tor-bugs] #18529 [Core Tor/Tor]: Fix duplicate check for "only allow internal addresses if we are on a network with nonstandard authorities"

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Mon May 23 17:58:34 UTC 2016

#18529: Fix duplicate check for "only allow internal addresses if we are on a
network with nonstandard authorities"
 Reporter:  nickm                                |          Owner:
     Type:  defect                               |         Status:
 Priority:  Low                                  |  needs_revision
Component:  Core Tor/Tor                         |      Milestone:  Tor:
 Severity:  Trivial                              |  0.2.???
 Keywords:  easy, refactor, 029-proposed, 029    |        Version:  Tor:
  -nickm-says-yes, review-group-2,               |
  TorCoreTeam201605                              |     Resolution:
Parent ID:                                       |  Actual Points:
 Reviewer:  isis                                 |         Points:  small
                                                 |        Sponsor:
Changes (by isis):

 * keywords:  easy, refactor, 029-proposed, 029-nickm-says-yes, review-
     group-2 =>
     easy, refactor, 029-proposed, 029-nickm-says-yes, review-group-2,
 * status:  needs_review => needs_revision


 Some comments:

  * `is_default_auth()` could be inline.
  * `is_default_auth()` should have a more descriptive name, since it's not
 clear if "auth" means "authentication" or "authority". Also, we're not
 asking what the authority "is", but rather we're asking what kind of
 authorities we're ''using''.
  * This doesn't include the duplicated calling of
 `tor_addr_is_internal()`, which (I think?) nickm wanted condensed also. To
 accomplish that, `is_default_auth()` should probably be checked inside
 `tor_addr_is_internal()`, but we'd need to double-check that everywhere
 `tor_addr_is_internal()` is called would be okay with saying the address
 isn't internal when alternative authorities are configured.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/18529#comment:6>
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