[tor-bugs] #17076 [Tor]: Improve coverage on src/or/config.c (options_validate)
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Jan 29 16:43:07 UTC 2016
#17076: Improve coverage on src/or/config.c (options_validate)
Reporter: rjunior | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: reopened
Priority: Medium | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.8.x-final
Component: Tor | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: testing, 028-triaged | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points: small
Sponsor: SponsorS |
Comment (by olabini):
When it comes to this:
never rely on the developer to choose a set of default options that
validate correctly
instead, supply a set of default options that validate correctly at
the top of the file, and use them throughout the file, overriding
individual options as needed
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean. The problem is that the
current setup is tuned to reach as many branches as possible.
The real solution here is actually to separate out options_validate into
smaller functions that can be tested in isolation, instead of testing the
full options_validate - the goal of testing all branches in that function
was as a step to make it possible to refactor the function into something
more manageable.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/17076#comment:35>
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