[tor-bugs] #18064 [Tor Browser]: Changelog after update is empty on Windows

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Jan 14 22:19:59 UTC 2016

#18064: Changelog after update is empty on Windows
     Reporter:  mcs          |      Owner:  mcs
         Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
     Priority:  Medium       |  Milestone:
    Component:  Tor Browser  |    Version:
     Severity:  Normal       |   Keywords:  tbb-5.5, TorBrowserTeam201601
Actual Points:               |  Parent ID:
       Points:               |    Sponsor:
 This is a spinoff from ticket #17917 (there are two different problems).
 On Windows, the about:tbupdate page will never display the change log.
 This is due to a path separator bug in the code. Yes, Kathy and I should
 have tested this on Windows! Patch coming soon.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/18064>
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