[tor-bugs] #7478 [Tor]: Allow routersets to include/exclude nodes by IPv6 address
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Sun Feb 28 02:44:08 UTC 2016
#7478: Allow routersets to include/exclude nodes by IPv6 address
Reporter: nickm | Owner: teor
Type: enhancement | Status:
Priority: High | needs_revision
Component: Tor | Milestone: Tor:
Severity: Normal | 0.2.9.x-final
Keywords: tor-client ipv6 TorCoreTeam201602 | Version:
Parent ID: | Resolution:
Sponsor: | Actual Points:
| Points: small
Comment (by fergus):
Replying to [comment:26 teor]:
> Let's revise this patch so it handles like it used to, and
handles `::` (IPv6 all zeroes) the same as
That won't work. If a node doesn't have an IPv6 address, then both
{{{ipv6_addr}}} and {{{ipv6_orport}}} will be zero, which
{{{compare_tor_addr_to_addr_policy}}} always rejects (placing it in the
routerset) and similarly with a hypothetical future node that doesn't have
an IPv4 address.
Both {{{routerinfo_t}}} and {{{routerstatus_t}}} contain their addresses
directly instead of using pointers, so there's no way to distinguish
between "NULL because this node lacks an address of this type" and "NULL
because this node's address and port are unknown". I think we just have to
treat the second case as a bug.
I've changed the short circuit to only occur when both the IP address and
port are zero and added a comment to that effect. A rebased branch is
available as {{{ticket-7478-2}}} at https://github.com/fergus-
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7478#comment:27>
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