[tor-bugs] #18361 [Tor Browser]: Issues with corporate censorship and mass surveillance
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blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Feb 23 03:36:07 UTC 2016
#18361: Issues with corporate censorship and mass surveillance
Reporter: ioerror | Owner: tbb-team
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: High | Milestone:
Component: Tor Browser | Version:
Severity: Critical | Resolution:
Keywords: security, privacy, anonymity | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Sponsor: |
Comment (by cypherpunks):
Hi there, Cloudflare! Another Torrorist here who, on behalf of your
customers, you have blocked and CAPTCHA-bullied into acrimony.
Let me tell you that I for one no longer care for you to "fix" your
censorship: many months ago I decided I had enough of your shit,I'm not
filling any more CAPTCHAs, you and your customers can go !__!__
yourselves! :)
As another commenter said, no web site is worth tolerating your bullying.
Which is not constrained to the stupid CAPTCHA loop, by the way; as was
also mentioned, automated web requests are perfectly legitimate use cases,
you have no right to require a human to be sitting in front of the screen
at all times.
As I've been doing for the past several months, each time I see
Cloudflare's advertisement/taunting interstitial, I'll just make a
subconscious wish for you (the company) to die ASAP and move along to some
other more respectful and welcoming site.
Oh yeah, hey Cloudflare, want to see how fine a publicity act your
censorship is for you? Look at the comments section of every Tor Browser
release for past bunch of months (year?), but especially since last
December 10-ish when you apparently went "lol !__!__ these nobodies let's
just block the entire Tor network, yay!".
Still, I have to admit, I doubt your customers care much for the traffic
you block. As Schneier has said, the WWW βusiness model is surveillance.
Your customers, Cloudflare, by and large, make their living by
tracking/profiling/surveilling their visitors and then selling them to the
highest bidder, usually some advertisement company. So how much would
these customers care for the anonymous eyeballs of a relatively small
group (in relation to the rest of the "net") of privacy-active users of a
technology that attempts to destroy their βusiness model? Isn't this also
your βusiness model, Cloudflar? Isn't this the very thing you do with the
traffic from all those sites you MITM? I wonder who do you sell to though,
Also, jgrahamc, despite you twice stating that Project Honey Pot is a
third party, several sites mention that it was created by Cloudflare's own
Matthew Prince. See for example the screenvcap posted earlier by
cypherpunks. That's not much of a thrid party to me.
Anyway, hope you go out of βusiness soon. Bye!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/18361#comment:76>
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