[tor-bugs] #17668 [Tor]: moria1, with updated v3 cert: Bug: Generated a networkstatus consensus we couldn't parse.
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Feb 16 03:26:07 UTC 2016
#17668: moria1, with updated v3 cert: Bug: Generated a networkstatus consensus we
couldn't parse.
Reporter: arma | Owner: nickm
Type: defect | Status: accepted
Priority: High | Milestone: Tor:
Component: Tor | 0.2.7.x-final
Severity: Blocker | Version:
Keywords: 201512-deferred, TorCoreTeam201602 | Resolution:
Parent ID: | Actual Points:
Sponsor: | Points:
Comment (by teor):
I've just spoken to Sebastian and arma in #tor-dev, and I'm going to try
and to describe the desired authority behaviour, then split it into
different tickets:
I think these need to go in 0.2.7, I'm not sure if some could wait:
* #18318 - Make sure keys and IP:Ports are unique in a consensus
* #18319 - Exclude relays that don't match pinned RSA/Ed key pairs
* this works already, but we need to test for regressions
* #18320 - Clear old entries from the key-pinning journal file
* #18321 - Exclude our own vote from the consensus if we think our own
vote is invalid
* #18322 - Log unparseable votes so they can be analysed
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/17668#comment:25>
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