[tor-bugs] #20778 [Applications/Tor Browser Sandbox]: Check updates in the background. (was: Check and download updates in the background.)

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Dec 28 04:05:39 UTC 2016

#20778: Check updates in the background.
 Reporter:  yawning                           |          Owner:  yawning
     Type:  enhancement                       |         Status:  accepted
 Priority:  High                              |      Milestone:
Component:  Applications/Tor Browser Sandbox  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                            |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  Yawning201612                     |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                                    |         Points:
 Reviewer:                                    |        Sponsor:

Old description:

> Instead of the current logic which is "Check for updates once at launch,
> if it has been either over 6 hours since the last successful check OR the
> time of last check is in the future.", the update check/update download
> should happen every six hours in the background, and the user should be
> prompted to restart.
> Full integration into the Tor Browser UI is likely a lot of work, so this
> is probably best accomplished by the agent popping up a dialog box when
> the update is complete (or using GNotification ~~~and a system tray
> icon/menu~~~).

New description:

 Instead of the current logic which is "Check for updates once at launch,
 if it has been either over 6 hours since the last successful check OR the
 time of last check is in the future.", the update check/update download
 should happen every six hours in the background, and the user should be
 prompted to restart.

 Full integration into the Tor Browser UI is likely a lot of work, so this
 is probably best accomplished by the agent popping up a dialog box when
 the update is complete (or using GNotification ~~~and a system tray

 Edit: Due to time constraints this ticket primarily concerns background
 update checks.


Comment (by yawning):

 I'm going to go with the contingency plan here, so I can work on other
 also useful things..  I'll file separate tickets for the background update
 download and full UI integration.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20778#comment:17>
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