[tor-bugs] #20823 [Core Tor/Tor]: [controller, prop271] GETINFO support for new guard selection logic
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Wed Dec 14 02:03:17 UTC 2016
#20823: [controller, prop271] GETINFO support for new guard selection logic
Reporter: nickm | Owner: nickm
Type: defect | Status:
| needs_review
Priority: High | Milestone: Tor:
| 0.3.0.x-final
Component: Core Tor/Tor | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: tor-guard regression | Actual Points: .1 so
TorCoreTeam201612 | far
Parent ID: #20822 | Points: 1
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
Comment (by chelseakomlo):
This is a small patch, overall it looks good!
I do get a test failure when I run `make test`:
entrynodes/retry_unreachable: [forking]
FAIL src/test/test_entrynodes.c:2302: assert(g1->is_reachable OP_EQ
[retry_unreachable FAILED]
as well as a bug assertion:
dir/purpose_needs_anonymity_returns_true_by_default: Dec 13 20:52:30.319
[warn] purpose_needs_anonymity(): Bug: Called with dir_purpose=0,
ose=0 (on Tor 7a7240716eef1f54)
Not sure if you get these as well? I don't see these on master.
One point about how we switch on whether we are running the legacy or
post-271 algorithm.
If you define two functions- one for the legacy behavior and one for the
post-271 behavior, then when you remove the legacy algorithm, you won't
need to change the post-271 method signature or implementation when you
remove support for legacy in the future.
So it could look something like:
STATIC char *
legacy_getinfo_helper_format_single_entry_guard(const entry_guard_t *e)
STATIC char *
getinfo_helper_format_single_entry_guard(const entry_guard_t *e)
for the method signatures. The caller would then look like:
SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(guards, const entry_guard_t *, e) {
char *cp;
cp = legacy_getinfo_helper_format_single_entry_guard(e);
cp = getinfo_helper_format_single_entry_guard(e);
smartlist_add(sl, cp);
Again, this is minor and it might be less work to leave this as is.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20823#comment:7>
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