[tor-bugs] #20121 [Applications/Tor bundles/installation]: Create Seatbealt profile(s) for Tor Browser
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Dec 8 22:42:25 UTC 2016
#20121: Create Seatbealt profile(s) for Tor Browser
Reporter: gk | Owner: tbb-
| team
Type: defect | Status:
| needs_review
Priority: Very High | Milestone:
Component: Applications/Tor | Version:
bundles/installation |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: tbb-security, TorBrowserTeam201612R | Actual Points:
Parent ID: #19750 | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor:
| SponsorU
Comment (by arthuredelstein):
Replying to [comment:15 mcs]:
> Replying to [comment:13 arthuredelstein]:
> > I tried it out now. Seems to be working very nicely!
> Thanks for doing some testing. What version of OSX did you use?
> The problem with including TorBrowser.app inside the "Sandboxed Tor
Browser" folder is that we would need to include a complete copy, which
would double the size of the dmg files (without an installer that runs
some code, I don't know of a way to avoid that).
Got it -- makes sense.
> We could change the "Follow these steps" portion README text to be
clearer. Here is an attempt at new text:
> {{{
> Follow these steps to use the sandbox profiles:
> 1. Copy this folder ("Sandboxed Tor Browser") to a local drive, but do
not put it in /Applications.
> 2. Copy the TorBrowser app into your "Sandboxed Tor Browser" folder.
> 3. Open Terminal.
> 4. Run start-tor-with-sandbox and wait for Tor bootstrapping to finish.
> 5. Run start-browser-with-sandbox.
> }}}
> Is this better?
Yes, thanks!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20121#comment:16>
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