[tor-bugs] #18794 [Metrics/CollecTor]: add cobertura task

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Wed Apr 27 17:26:10 UTC 2016

#18794: add cobertura task
 Reporter:  iwakeh             |          Owner:  iwakeh
     Type:  enhancement        |         Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  Medium             |      Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/CollecTor  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal             |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  ctip               |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                     |         Points:
 Reviewer:                     |        Sponsor:

Comment (by iwakeh):

 Replying to [comment:3 karsten]:
 > I'll need a quiet moment to look at the patch, which I don't have today.
 But here's some quick feedback on the cobertura requirement.
 Thanks, for taking the time!

 Your suggestion is far from being crazy. I perfectly agree with the first
 The relaxed requirements in the last two are not necessary in order to
 accommodate using
 the newer cobertura here and the newer checkstyle in #18793, I think.

 Checkstyle and cobertura just help improve development, but it is possible
 to achieve the same
 quality without them. These tasks just help us to avoid checking things
 manually, not a single line
 of code is created or compiled using them.

 And, you're right people who develop usually know what libraries to use or
 even have their preferred versions at hand and would override our versions
 anyway. At least that is what I often do when
 looking at other projects. (unless it breaks, of course ;-)

 Summary (to be added to the Contributor's Guide and FAQ):
 Use only libraries from Debian stable as reference for compiling,
 packaging, and running CollecTor.
 That also includes source generation (which is not in use at the time) and
 javadoc generation.

 Any tools for determining quality metrics and quality reports are
 unrestricted. But, we have some suggested tasks added to our build file
 which aim at debian stable and only deviate for a good reason.

 Hope this is in line with your thoughts.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/18794#comment:4>
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