[tor-bugs] #15578 [Tor Browser]: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is EOL April 2015
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Thu Nov 12 11:43:05 UTC 2015
#15578: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is EOL April 2015
Reporter: mikeperry | Owner: gk
Type: defect | Status:
Priority: Medium | assigned
Component: Tor Browser | Milestone:
Severity: Normal | Version:
Keywords: tbb-gitian, AffectsTails, | Resolution:
TorBrowserTeam201511, GeorgKoppen201511 | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Sponsor: |
Comment (by gk):
Replying to [comment:21 gk]:
> I tried to create a container with `./bin/make-base-vm --distro debian
--suite jessie --arch i386` and as an error I get "Unable to locate
package linux-image-i686-pae" I used master your vmbuilder repository. I
wonder, though, why this is failing for me given that it is supposed to be
working for you. Hrm...
This is a gitian-builder bug. It should be `FLAVOUR=686-pae` instead of
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/15578#comment:22>
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