[tor-bugs] #17565 [Tor Browser]: Banner on about:tor page

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Nov 9 20:32:32 UTC 2015

#17565: Banner on about:tor page
 Reporter:  arthuredelstein                   |          Owner:
     Type:  defect                            |  arthuredelstein
 Priority:  High                              |         Status:  new
Component:  Tor Browser                       |      Milestone:
 Severity:  Normal                            |        Version:
 Keywords:  funding, crowdfunding, donations  |     Resolution:
Parent ID:  #17534                            |  Actual Points:
  Sponsor:                                    |         Points:

Comment (by mcs):

 Replying to [comment:5 mrphs]:
 > Also I wonder if we can take this chance to integrate
 check.torproject.org into about:tor -- or even replace the whole about:tor
 with check.tpo design

 If we want to do this (add a crowdfunding banner) and include it in Tor
 Browser soon we should avoid taking on a redesign of the about:tor page
 (that probably deserves its own ticket and some dedicated design

 That is not to say that a redesign would be a bad thing. I do not know all
 of the history, especially from a design point of view, but it seems like
 check.torproject.org and the design for about:tor were produced
 independently. Part of the technical design of about:tor is that only a
 local SOCKS port check is done, which is very fast (see #7494) and
 about:tor does include a "Test Tor Network Settings" to provides access to
 the remote check.torproject.org site. Whatever redesign is done, I do not
 think we should switch back to using a remote check since it is not needed
 most of the time.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/17565#comment:6>
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