[tor-bugs] #17494 [Tor Messenger]: "Unknown error" reported by Tor Messenger without further info
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blackhole at torproject.org
Sun Nov 1 12:48:26 UTC 2015
#17494: "Unknown error" reported by Tor Messenger without further info
Reporter: blaisorblade | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Tor Messenger | Version:
Severity: Normal | Keywords:
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: | Sponsor:
Observed behavior: Tor Messenger just gave me an error message saying just
"Unknown error".
Expected behavior: for proper usability, all error messages include
details or instructions for figuring them out. In this case, I'm guessing
Tor Messenger should tell me that I can't start a private conversation
without first being accepted by the other user (if that's the problem),
but I don't know.
I probably did not use Tor Messenger as I should, and I have a very
limited understanding of OTR, but I still should get a better error — the
current one is unsuitable even for a programmer like me.
=== Details ===
In this particular case, for the reference, I was more-or-less following
instructions on http://arstechnica.co.uk/security/2015/10/how-to-use-tor-
After creating a Jabber account on the jabber.calyxinstitute.org server, I
added the author of that article (as he suggests to readers!), and he
didn't authorize me yet (and might as well be offline). I opened a
conversation with him, and got
12:49:45 - The current conversation is not private.
Meanwhile, two new errors/warnings appeared in the Error Console (see
Then, I pressed "Start private conversation" with his contact, and I got
these new messages, but no new error on the Error Console.
12:49:49 - Attempting to start a private conversation with
cyrus.farivar!arstechnica.com at my.onsip.com.
12:49:49 - Unknown error
Looking at the first exception shows an uncaught exception during
`requestRoomInfo`; so probably the later error happens because the
connection-state is not in a state where I can start a private
conversation. Consistently with this hypothesis, my "Known fingerprints"
window shows no entry.
==== Error Console warnings ====
Timestamp: 1/11/2015, 13:24:23
Error: uncaught exception: 2147500033
Source File:
Line: 378
Timestamp: 1/11/2015, 13:24:32
Error: DEPRECATION WARNING: The arguments you're passing to viewSource.xul
are using an out-of-date API.
You may find more details about this deprecation at:
chrome://global/content/viewSource.js 316 _loadViewSourceDeprecated
chrome://global/content/viewSource.js 302 onXULLoaded
chrome://global/content/viewSource.js 175 handleEvent
null 0 null
Source File: resource://gre/modules/Deprecated.jsm
Line: 79
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/17494>
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