[tor-bugs] #16014 [Tor Browser]: Windows: staged update fails if Meek is enabled
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Fri May 29 14:36:02 UTC 2015
#16014: Windows: staged update fails if Meek is enabled
Reporter: mcs | Owner: tbb-team
Type: defect | Status: needs_information
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Tor | Version:
Browser | Keywords: TorBrowserTeam201505R,
Resolution: | GeorgKoppen201505R
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by mcs):
Replying to [comment:9 gk]:
> Yeah, I just made a nightly build forgetting about the different certs,
good. While the updated/ directory is gone there is now the problem that
every start produces the check-your-extensions-compatibility-dialog which
is quite annoying. This does not happen without using your updater.exe and
we should avoid that.
I do not see how the fix for this ticket could affect the extensions
compatibility dialog. How can I reproduce that problem? Is it a dialog
that stays open or is it the one that quickly opens and closes while
checking for extension updates? (maybe I do not see it on my system
because it closes too quickly)
> Btw: Do you know where this mysterious `tobedeleted` directory is coming
from with weird "temporary files" in it (happens without your updater.exe
as well)? I just saw this inside /Browser after the update while testing.
Having a few files in "tobedeleted" is expected. If the updater is unable
to delete a file on Windows because it is in use, it moves the file to a
tobedeleted directory and arranges for the file to be deleted the next
time Windows is restarted. The file is also renamed to so it has a
temporary/unique name. This usually happens for updater.exe and the
NSPR/NSS DLLs. While describing this to you, I just realized that this
involves Windows registry changes. Should we create our own code to clean
up the "tobedeleted" files?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16014#comment:10>
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