[tor-bugs] #4100 [Tor Browser]: Isolate SPDY and HTTP Keep-Alive to top-level domain
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Mar 30 18:42:55 UTC 2015
#4100: Isolate SPDY and HTTP Keep-Alive to top-level domain
Reporter: | Owner: tbb-team
mikeperry | Status: new
Type: | Milestone: TorBrowserBundle 2.3.x-stable
enhancement | Version:
Priority: major | Keywords: tbb-linkability, tbb-firefox-patch,
Component: Tor | tbb-4.5-alpha, TorBrowserTeam201503, tbb-
Browser | usability-website
Resolution: | Parent ID:
Actual Points: |
Points: |
Changes (by mikeperry):
* keywords: tbb-linkability, tbb-firefox-patch =>
tbb-linkability, tbb-firefox-patch, tbb-4.5-alpha,
TorBrowserTeam201503, tbb-usability-website
We should investigate this closer and determine if it is in fact properly
isolated with the new nsIChannelProxyFilter code. If so, we can raise our
Keep-alive timeout and it will greatly help with usability of things like
etherpads, webmail, and google docs.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4100#comment:8>
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