[tor-bugs] #13766 [Tor Browser]: Raise MaxCircuitDirtiness for Tor Browser to 2 hours (was: Raise MaxCircuitDirtiness for Tor Browser (to Infinite)?)
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Mar 25 04:51:40 UTC 2015
#13766: Raise MaxCircuitDirtiness for Tor Browser to 2 hours
Reporter: | Owner: tbb-team
mikeperry | Status: closed
Type: defect | Milestone:
Priority: normal | Version:
Component: Tor | Keywords: tbb-usability, tbb-4.5-alpha,
Browser | TorBrowserTeam201503
Resolution: fixed | Parent ID:
Actual Points: |
Points: |
Changes (by mikeperry):
* status: new => closed
* resolution: => fixed
Ok, arthuredelstein reviewed mikeperry/bug13766 in my Torbutton repo
(which ensures that any circuit for which we can't find the first party
uses an effective 10 minute circuit dirtiness timeout) and said it looked
good and behaved fine for him. I also tested it, and verified it was
updating the socks isolation every 10 minutes for these circs. I pushed
that to torbutton and pushed updates to our torrc files to bump this to 2
In the long term, we might want to consider doing this via #15458 instead,
to avoid keeping circuits open for so long if they are idle. That way, we
could set this timeout to much higher than 2 hours without any impact on
memory consumption at relays.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/13766#comment:11>
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