[tor-bugs] #6411 [Tor]: Adding hidden services through control socket
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Mar 23 11:15:30 UTC 2015
#6411: Adding hidden services through control socket
Reporter: | Owner: yawning
kevinevans | Status: needs_review
Type: | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.7.x-final
enhancement | Version: Tor:
Priority: normal | Keywords: hidden-service control maybe-
Component: Tor | proposal tor-hs globalleaks-wants
Resolution: | Parent ID: #8993
Actual Points: |
Points: |
Comment (by yawning):
After some thought on the matter, "GET_ONIONS" is now "GETINFO
onions/current" and "GETINFO onions/detached", that just returns a dot
encoded, NL delimited list of Onions with the queried ownership. This is
simpler, and consistent with every other information query that's not
serviced by "GETCONF".
Still needs-review, spec and my v2 branch have been updated appropriately.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6411#comment:49>
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