[tor-bugs] #14937 [Tor Browser]: Get meek working in Tor Circuit Display
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blackhole at torproject.org
Sat Mar 21 23:07:46 UTC 2015
#14937: Get meek working in Tor Circuit Display
Reporter: | Owner: arthuredelstein
arthuredelstein | Status: needs_review
Type: defect | Milestone:
Priority: normal | Version:
Component: Tor | Keywords: tbb-circuit-display, tbb-usability,
Browser | tbb-4.5-alpha, TorBrowserTeam201503R,
Resolution: | GeorgKoppen201503R
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by dcf):
Replying to [comment:28 arthuredelstein]:
> Thanks, David! That fixes it. Are there a similar set of fingerprints we
can use for flashproxy?
You get get it from the sample torrc file.
Bridge flashproxy 4D6C0DF6DEC9398A4DEF07084F3CD395A96DD2AD
Bridge flashproxy 4D6C0DF6DEC9398A4DEF07084F3CD395A96DD2AD
Bridge flashproxy 4D6C0DF6DEC9398A4DEF07084F3CD395A96DD2AD
Bridge flashproxy 4D6C0DF6DEC9398A4DEF07084F3CD395A96DD2AD
Bridge flashproxy 4D6C0DF6DEC9398A4DEF07084F3CD395A96DD2AD
There are multiple virtual bridges in front of the actual bridge because
of how flash proxy works.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/14937#comment:30>
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