[tor-bugs] #9387 [Tor Launcher]: Tor Launcher/Torbutton should provide a "Security Slider"
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Mar 19 15:50:09 UTC 2015
#9387: Tor Launcher/Torbutton should provide a "Security Slider"
Reporter: | Owner: gk
mikeperry | Status: needs_review
Type: | Milestone:
enhancement | Version:
Priority: major | Keywords: tbb-security, tbb-usability, tbb-
Component: Tor | linkability, tbb-3.0, extdev-interview, tbb-
Launcher | isec-report, tbb-4.5-alpha,
Resolution: | TorBrowserTeam201503
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by gk):
Replying to [comment:92 mcs]:
> Kathy and I experimented with the code on Mike's branch. This is
looking quite good! Here are a few things we observed:
> 1. Clicking a label sets the wrong slider position (fallout from
reversing the positions).
> 2. We found that the alignment of the labels to the slider positions can
be improved by removing flex from the first <description> hbox (to get
more of a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 split).
> 3. On a Ubuntu 14.04 system, the height of the preferences window and
slider changed when we switched to the Medium-High and High slider
positions (the help text is too tall and/or the area for it is too
narrow). It is OK but kind of a weird experience (and maybe it only
happens on some systems).
> We have a patch for issues 1 and 2 which I will attach in a moment.
Thanks 1), is fixed in v9. I tried the fix for 2) and it has actually only
negative effects on all my Linux boxes I tested. As I said originally,
there is probably not much we can do without having a patch in Mozilla
itself. Re 3): Yes, but fixing the size risks that some translation
strings are not properly visible which is why I chose this way. If there
is something better we can do I am all for it.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9387#comment:94>
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