[tor-bugs] #15279 [Tor Browser]: uMatrix & uBlock to Replace NoScript (and they're awesome)
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Mon Mar 16 03:54:08 UTC 2015
#15279: uMatrix & uBlock to Replace NoScript (and they're awesome)
Reporter: johnakabean | Owner: tbb-
Type: enhancement | team
Priority: major | Status: new
Component: Tor Browser | Milestone:
Keywords: Tor Browser, uMatrix, HTTP | Version:
Switchboard, noscript, replace noscript, | Actual Points:
upgrade noscript | Points:
Parent ID: |
I always slightly hated noscript because if I wanted to add a site
exception to enable ONLY javascript, I was forced to risk allowing, for
example, cross-site scripting or XHR for that site along with any others
that I wanted to keep blocked.
If I wanted to allow ONLY a function of a 3rd party site required to make
the 1st party site run, I had to allow unlimited access to the 3rd party
site instead of just what I wanted.
Of course, I could go into noscript preferences and disable "block
javascript" but that was GLOBAL and a pain to have to go back in settings
to re-enable before browsing another site. Worse, it would be a risk if
the current site threw a 3rd-party popup while I had the Global
temporarily off...... you get the idea!
The makers of NoScript, in parallel, have been developing'' '''HTTP
Switchboard''''' for a long time''.'' It is the exact same as NoScript but
extremely better, allowing FULL flexibility. You can set, per Site, each
domain's ability to manipulate the site in EITHER OR ALL categories of
cookie(s), css, images, plugins, scripts, XHR, and "others".
This means if I go to yahoo.com, I can allow, either by default or
individual site basis, yahoo.com to ONLY push images, css, and images.
Then I can allow ONLY any subdomain required for certain functionality to
ONLY run those elements needed for that functionality.
If I need to allow a third party, it's all the same and, unless I choose
to make that exception global, that 3rd party domain's element will ONLY
be allowed on THAT site!
If I want to allow a certain domain's element on ALL sites, by default,
that's an option '''__but, unlike noscript, I don't have to allow a global
exception just to get a local exception for that one site's
They have now went even further to make ''__'''uBlock'''__'' and
__'''''uMatrix'''''__, two addons that work together. The only difference
between uMatrix and HTTP Switchboard is they took the checkbox on the
option pages of HTTP Switchboard, to allow all 1st party elements, and put
it on the main switchboard/matrix, allowing specific elements on ALL first
party sites by default instead of having to either allow ALL elements on
first party sites OR manually selecting on each new 1st party domain
visited (see pictures).
uBlock, along with either uMatrix or Http Switchboard, are even better now
by having auto-updating malicious (uMatrix) and privacy lists (uBlock),__
with the ability to add custom ones to block scripts/xhr on sites that
would leak the ip, track you, or be malicious! __ If I choose to unblock
an entire subdomain instead of specific elements on that 1st/3rd party
(sub)domain, they will still block portions of those domains appearing on
the self-updating block lists, unless I go further to override that.
=== The BEST PART OF ALL: I've worried about extensions I've installed and
what sites they can connect to; with uMatrix, you can choose to have a
separate set of permissions to apply to the extensions. Finally, I can
restrict extensions that shouldn't connect to anywhere to not being able
to :) This is the ONLY and FIRST noscript-like element manager, afaik,
that can do this! You can use uMatrix to block uMatrix itself from getting
blocklist updates, as I've accidentally done :) ===
== The abilities to customize what to SAFELY allow and what to keep
blocked, no matter what domain or what site, are ENDLESS; this will really
help people use Tor more safely! PLEASE TAKE NOSCRIPT TO THE 21st CENTURY
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/15279>
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