[tor-bugs] #8243 [Tor]: Getting the HSDir flag should require more effort
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Mar 13 10:45:44 UTC 2015
#8243: Getting the HSDir flag should require more effort
Reporter: arma | Owner:
Type: | Status: new
enhancement | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.7.x-final
Priority: normal | Version:
Component: Tor | Keywords: SponsorR tor-auth needs-proposal
Resolution: | 026-triaged-1
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by asn):
Another argument for having Stable be a prerequisite of HSDir is that when
we get the shared randomness feature, the main way for an adversary to
camp all 6 HSDirs of an HS would be to flood the network with HSDirs. This
is made harder if the adversary also needs to get the Stable flag, so it
seems like this change also has long-term benefits.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/8243#comment:17>
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