[tor-bugs] #6411 [Tor]: Adding hidden services through control socket
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Mar 12 04:32:35 UTC 2015
#6411: Adding hidden services through control socket
Reporter: | Owner: yawning
kevinevans | Status: needs_revision
Type: | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.7.x-final
enhancement | Version: Tor:
Priority: normal | Keywords: hidden-service control maybe-
Component: Tor | proposal tor-hs globalleaks-wants
Resolution: | Parent ID: #8993
Actual Points: |
Points: |
Comment (by yawning):
Replying to [comment:39 yawning]:
> No worries. I went and changed the syntax to `Flags=DiscardPK` in both
the code and the spec. Since enough people asked about it, I'm severely
tempted to go and add the `Detach` flag now as well, and `LIST_ONIONS`
since it covers the use case you detailed (and a lot of other people
initially ask about, till I explain why things are this way).
I went and did this, though I ended up calling the command "GET_ONIONS".
The spec has been updated as appropriate. At this point I can't think of
anything else this needs for the 1.0 implementation. I'll notify tor-dev@
that I went and changed a bunch of stuff, but I'm not sure if there's
really more that people want out of a "first pass" of this.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6411#comment:40>
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