[tor-bugs] #14324 [Tor Browser]: Circuit info should clarify when you are browsing a .onion versus a .com
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Mar 11 05:00:26 UTC 2015
#14324: Circuit info should clarify when you are browsing a .onion versus a .com
Reporter: runa | Owner: tbb-team
Type: | Status: needs_review
enhancement | Milestone:
Priority: normal | Version:
Component: Tor | Keywords: tbb-torbutton, tbb-circuit-display,
Browser | TorBrowserTeam201503R
Resolution: | Parent ID:
Actual Points: |
Points: |
Changes (by arthuredelstein):
* status: new => needs_review
* keywords: tbb-torbutton, tbb-circuit-display => tbb-torbutton, tbb-
circuit-display, TorBrowserTeam201503R
Here's my patch for this ticket (it requires the patch for #15086 to be
applied first):
When the user visits onion sites, the Tor Circuit diagram will look like
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/14324#comment:6>
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