[tor-bugs] #16300 [Tor Browser]: Make sure the BroadcastChannel API adheres to our URL bar domain isolation

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Fri Jun 26 00:28:57 UTC 2015

#16300: Make sure the BroadcastChannel API adheres to our URL bar domain isolation
     Reporter:  gk       |      Owner:  mcs
         Type:  task     |     Status:  closed
     Priority:  major    |  Milestone:
    Component:  Tor      |    Version:
  Browser                |   Keywords:  ff38-esr, tbb-linkability, tbb-5
   Resolution:  fixed    |  .0a-highrisk, TorBrowserTeam201506R,
Actual Points:           |  GeorgKoppen201506R
       Points:           |  Parent ID:

Comment (by mcs):

 Replying to [comment:13 mikeperry]:
 > Ok, so long as the runnable->Dispatch() in fact blocks (which I believe
 it should, due to syncLoop.Run()), then I think we're good here.

 Yes, it seems to block.  But Kathy and I could not find much documentation
 in the source files or elsewhere for this stuff.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16300#comment:14>
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