[tor-bugs] #16005 [Tor Browser]: webgl.min_capability_mode might be too minimal
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Thu Jun 25 22:06:08 UTC 2015
#16005: webgl.min_capability_mode might be too minimal
Reporter: | Owner: mikeperry
mikeperry | Status: needs_review
Type: defect | Milestone:
Priority: normal | Version:
Component: Tor | Keywords: tbb-fingerprinting, tbb-usability-
Browser | website, ff38-esr, tbb-5.0a-highrisk,
Resolution: | TorBrowserTeam201506R, MikePerry201506,
Actual Points: | GeorgKoppen201506R
Points: | Parent ID:
Comment (by mikeperry):
Replying to [comment:15 gk]:
> After some back and forth it seems there are some issues with my old OS
X system using the ESR 38 based Tor Browser. Might be a more general bug
in our toolchain or something only happening locally. I'll file a ticket
as soon as we have an alpha I can point to. On Windows 7 on a different
computer it is working fine for me.
> The code looks good, I think, but I have two questions:
> 1) I am a bit worried about not disabling the highp precision. Are we
sure that all GPUs support it? It seems to be optional:
/benchmarking-floating-point-precision-in-mobile-gpus (while this post is
mobile specific it might apply to the desktop world as well).
Unfortunately highp precision seems to be required for this game to avoid
the flickering. On my mobile and desktop CPUs,
https://www.browserleaks.com/webgl lists the "Best Float Precision" for
both vertex and fragment shaders as [-2^27, 2^27] (23). I am not sure if
this is a function of highp or not, though. The browserleaks result didn't
seem to change for me when toggling the pref or with the patch. Does it
for you?
> 2) Could you add a comment explaining what these *ALIASED*RANGE things
are for (given that these are not existing in vanilla code) and what |1,
MINVALUE_GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE| mean in this context? One might
think that they make values in these ranges (1-5 and 1-255) acceptable
which might depend on user configuration/hardware which is not the case I
guess. Having some explanatory remarks might help understanding this part.
Ok, I will add some comments to this code before merging.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16005#comment:17>
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