[tor-bugs] #15775 [Tor]: Add IPv4 Fallback Directory List to tor, active by default
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Jun 17 14:28:22 UTC 2015
#15775: Add IPv4 Fallback Directory List to tor, active by default
Reporter: teor | Owner: teor
Type: enhancement | Status: needs_information
Priority: major | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.7.x-final
Component: Tor | Version: Tor:
Resolution: | Keywords: tor-dist, 027-triaged-1-in
Actual Points: | Parent ID: #15228
Points: |
Comment (by teor):
We want to start with opt-in via email to tor-relays (with proposed list)
and operator contact info. This could be drafted by anyone, but needs to
be sent from a torproject.org email address.
Operators who opt-in would have their relay fingerprints and IPs added to
the list, and be included on the list if both the fingerprint and IP
Other considerations, from IRC discussions:
There is a tradeoff between a small list, where a single operator learns
about more clients, and a large list, which may become unmanageable. (And
it might slow down bootstrap if too many unreliable relays are included.)
Every release containing a list of fallback directories will forever
contact those directories on initial bootstrap. We'll need to ensure that
the list is large enough that:
* no one relay / IP gets overwhelming traffic
* there is always an unblocked relay which can provide an updated
consensus (in most cases, the authorities will do this, as long as they
are unblocked)
This situation will improve once #15942 (exponential backoff) and #15935
(advisory-only old client disabling) are implemented.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/15775#comment:31>
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