[tor-bugs] #14847 [Tor]: Controller: add a command to fetch HS descriptor from HSdir(s)
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blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Feb 16 16:04:40 UTC 2015
#14847: Controller: add a command to fetch HS descriptor from HSdir(s)
Reporter: dgoulet | Owner: dgoulet
Type: enhancement | Status: needs_review
Priority: normal | Milestone: Tor: 0.2.7.x-final
Component: Tor | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: SponsorR tor-hs controller
Actual Points: | Parent ID: #3521
Points: |
Comment (by dgoulet):
Replying to [comment:11 arma]:
> Replying to [comment:9 dgoulet]:
> > Ok, with all the comments above, here is a much simpler version.
> >
> > See branch {{{ticket14847_03}}}.
> What's the reasoning for the cache=yes or cache=no part? That is, why
not just let rend_cache_store_v2_desc_as_client(() look at the hsdesc you
get back and decide whether to keep it based on whatever rules it uses now
("I don't have a newer one, etc")?
The original idea was to give a choice to the user to keep the fetched
descriptor or not. However, if we go with a new HSDESC_* event to dump the
content when it arrives, the "cache=" part could be removed and by default
keeps the latest.
> I think to do the async thing here we'll want to extend the HSDESC event
to just tell you the descriptor right then. Otherwise there's a three step
process ("initiate the launch", "notice the event", "getinfo the
response"), and if you initiate a bunch of launches, and then get a bunch
of events, you'll only be able to getinfo one of them, and you might not
even know which one it was, etc.
> (Whether you extend the HSDESC event always, or add a separate
HSDESC_AND_DUMP event, or what, is a matter of taste that I will leave to
you and Nick if you like this approach.)
I'm not too familiar what are the best practices but could we do something
like this with the EXTENDED events feature?
S: 650 HS_DESC EXTENDED DUMP xyz.onion
<dump here>
> Now that I think about it, there may also be some adventure here with
all of the implicit "oh a failure just happened, that means I should
launch this other action" logic in hsdesc fetches. Maybe this is a good
time to clean up some of that logic, or maybe it will turn out to be
easier than we think to work with it. Or I guess option three is that this
will just be no fun. :)
I know... this is why I want this command accepted asap so I can start
working on it. The HS fetch code is very "monolithic" in a way that it's a
big block that does a lot of diffrent things. It would need to be much
more modularized so we can cherry-pick the actions we need for this
command and not really go through the normal process of fetching a
descriptor right now.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/14847#comment:14>
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