[tor-bugs] #14880 [Website]: Remove 1px border from img inside table

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Feb 12 18:44:16 UTC 2015

#14880: Remove 1px border from img inside table
 Reporter:  dcf      |          Owner:  Sebastian
     Type:  defect   |         Status:  new
 Priority:  minor    |      Milestone:
Component:  Website  |        Version:
 Keywords:           |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:           |         Points:
 I found
 this CSS rule] that adds a 1px border to img inside table:
 table td img,
 table tr img {
         border: 1px solid #cac8a7;
         float: left;
         margin-right: 10px;
 It doesn't appear to be used anywhere except in
 [https://www.torproject.org/download/download-unix.html download/download-
 unix.html], where it looks like a bug. The only other files where img is
 nested in table are [https://www.torproject.org/ index.html] and
 [https://www.torproject.org/donate/thankyou.html donate/thankyou.html],
 which both remove the border though more specific CSS rules.

 I noticed this while trying to add a table to download-easy.html for

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/14880>
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