[tor-bugs] #11345 [BridgeDB]: BridgeDB should have QR codes for bridge lines

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Feb 10 06:11:52 UTC 2015

#11345: BridgeDB should have QR codes for bridge lines
     Reporter:  isis     |      Owner:  isis
         Type:           |     Status:  closed
  enhancement            |  Milestone:
     Priority:  minor    |    Version:
    Component:           |   Keywords:  bridgedb-ui, bridgedb-https,
  BridgeDB               |  bridgedb-0.2.4, bridgedb-0.2.5, isis2014Q3Q4
   Resolution:  fixed    |  Parent ID:
Actual Points:           |
       Points:           |
Changes (by isis):

 * keywords:  bridgedb-ui, bridgedb-https, bridgedb-0.2.4, isis2014Q3Q4 =>
     bridgedb-ui, bridgedb-https, bridgedb-0.2.4, bridgedb-0.2.5,


 I just merged `fix/11345-qrcodes_r2` again, with two very minor fixes
 6293394fba0f6dbf00223435d15b301cd7fb712b] for a typo and to more
 efficiently return after a certain error is hit (neither of these change
 functionality) and
 99f3b3f978dbacdfdf45bca8d7a6339e03d94af1]) and a commit for unittests

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/11345#comment:14>
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