[tor-bugs] #9387 [Tor Launcher]: Tor Launcher/Torbutton should provide a "Security Slider"

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Feb 4 16:06:41 UTC 2015

#9387: Tor Launcher/Torbutton should provide a "Security Slider"
     Reporter:           |      Owner:  gk
  mikeperry              |     Status:  new
         Type:           |  Milestone:
  enhancement            |    Version:
     Priority:  major    |   Keywords:  TorBrowserTeam201502, tbb-security,
    Component:  Tor      |  tbb-usability, tbb-linkability, tbb-3.0,
  Launcher               |  extdev-interview, tbb-isec-report,
   Resolution:           |  tbb-4.5-alpha
Actual Points:           |  Parent ID:
       Points:           |

Comment (by gk):

 Replying to [comment:76 mikeperry]:
 > Well, the way I use the slider in the high position is as a default
 state. I frequently temporarily allow many sites via NoScript, and
 sometimes if a site needs to perform many redirects, I globally enable
 script permissions for a bit, and then disable them later. I think it is
 this global script enable that is causing my slider to get stuck in the
 "Custom" position.
 > So, in my opinion, this means two things:
 > 1. I think that the slider should recognize that when I globally disable
 scripts again, "Custom" should become unchecked. Really, I think this
 should be the case for all of our prefs, but globally enabling/disabling
 JS is facilitated by our NoScript UI (for good reason) and may be common.
 > 1. I think the slider shouldn't actually become locked if "Custom" is
 set. I should be able to drag it and go back to one of the official
 positions, which would uncheck "Custom" and reset all the prefs

 Okay, bug_9387_13998 in my Torbutton repo has the fix for both of your
 issues while still taking my concerns into account. An updated Mozmill
 test for it is needed and coming.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9387#comment:77>
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