[tor-bugs] #14631 [Tor Browser]: Users that try to run from DMG files run into "Another copy of Firefox is running"
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blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Feb 2 14:45:03 UTC 2015
#14631: Users that try to run from DMG files run into "Another copy of Firefox is
Reporter: | Owner: tbb-team
arthuredelstein | Status: new
Type: defect | Milestone:
Priority: normal | Version:
Component: Tor | Keywords: tbb-usability, uxsprint2015, tbb-
Browser | usability-stoppoint-app
Resolution: | Parent ID:
Actual Points: |
Points: |
Changes (by mcs):
* cc: brade, mcs (added)
Replying to [comment:4 gk]:
> What is causing this?
I assume that the DMG images we create use a read only file system. This
is not a problem for most Mac applications, but since Tor Browser needs to
write to the Firefox profile Bad Things Happen.
My guess is that it will be extremely difficult to prevent Firefox from
writing to the profile (since there are so many components within Firefox
that assume they can do so). It might be better to just improve the error
message to read something like:
You cannot run Tor Browser from a read-only filesystem.
Please copy Tor Browser to your Desktop or Applications folder before
trying to use it.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/14631#comment:5>
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