[tor-bugs] #9387 [Tor Launcher]: Tor Launcher/Torbutton should provide a "Security Slider"

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Mon May 26 17:12:53 UTC 2014

#9387: Tor Launcher/Torbutton should provide a "Security Slider"
     Reporter:           |      Owner:  brade
  mikeperry              |     Status:  new
         Type:           |  Milestone:
  enhancement            |    Version:
     Priority:  major    |   Keywords:  tbb-security, tbb-usability, tbb-
    Component:  Tor      |  linkability, tbb-3.0, extdev-interview
  Launcher               |  Parent ID:
   Resolution:           |
Actual Points:           |
       Points:           |

Comment (by mikeperry):

 Replying to [comment:39 gk]:
 > Replying to [comment:38 mikeperry]:
 > > On slow sites, you get a script popup if it tries to do something
 extremely intensive and stalls out. This can be improved by raising
 http://kb.mozillazine.org/Dom.max_script_run_time, but it's already at 10
 seconds. The browser UI is also unresponsive during this entire time.
 > >
 > > This is pretty bad for usability, in my opinion.
 > Yes, but do you have some hard data that the JIT options are the culprit
 here? So far I have seen exactly one complaint, maybe two about the TBB >=
 3.6 being slow that we might want to relate to the JIT options. That seems
 IMO not enough to disable the security gain. At least not until we have
 hardened builds available regularly.

 I have seen a couple instances of this popup personally on some sites. You
 can also notice the ~5 to 10X performance degradation on ​https://octane-
 benchmark.googlecode.com/svn/latest/index.html and ​http://dromaeo.com/,
 and these benchmark sites will also trigger the popup.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9387#comment:40>
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