[tor-bugs] #12510 [- Select a component]: What it calls but is like death our wrote

Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki blackhole at torproject.org
Wed Jul 2 04:07:39 UTC 2014

#12510: What it calls but is like death our wrote
 Reporter:  jeanjuarez            |          Owner:
     Type:  defect                |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                |      Milestone:
Component:  - Select a component  |        Version:
 Keywords:                        |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                        |         Points:
 What it calls but is like death our wrote classic thing I'm the brand is
 Valley re-think and get this one out Lipo Slim marshals the first seven
 something dollars which was really inexpensive and I got the heavy duty
 one just because they have managed to break from slap in the face or
 something I'm by accident this also worth got your arms so as you can see
 how upset over you know my arms %ah yeah so basically stay under your feet
 and Colette up or pull it from back %uh or two things thank you hoping arm
 singling this either way you know very want to do it is I think it does
 work on my arms are the good I it helps me sweated it's just another thing
 you know you work with and it's fun breakthrough last product I want to
 show you is face thing right here and other looks very weird and open
 think both when you're working your with him but there’s no money forced
 the hot I'm it I use for me thanks you put it between your legs like this
 and you cool 0 I'm tight as you can if you can type thing cat and as fast
 as he gets well I and this works your inner thighs like it no other like
 what's your doing like maybe five minutes over it your insights who
 literally Phil known so this definitely hopes me with my nice handsome
 main thing and I think I got this what targets Lipo Slim I leave how might
 that actually at bid itself he had a little bit rate they're so ignore my
 like a sacra from target if you’re interested or is this basically at for
 the things that I used to work out now for us workouts very deal.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/12510>
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