[tor-bugs] #10418 [Tor Launcher]: Make a "Use Default Bridges" Radio button in the Tor Launcher Bridge UI
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Jan 30 22:01:04 UTC 2014
#10418: Make a "Use Default Bridges" Radio button in the Tor Launcher Bridge UI
Reporter: mikeperry | Owner: brade
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: Tor Launcher | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by asn):
Replying to [comment:26 mcs]:
> Replying to [comment:24 mikeperry]:
> > This looks good. asn notes though that the example bridge line in "Use
Custom Bridges" is confusing. Perhaps it should say something like "bridge
type address:port" without the "OR". We're going to converge on that
anyway, at least for the non-Tor types.Replying to [comment:24 mikeperry]:
> > This looks good. asn notes though that the example bridge line in "Use
Custom Bridges" is confusing. Perhaps it should say something like "bridge
type address:port" without the "OR". We're going to converge on that
anyway, at least for the non-Tor types.
> In Tor Launcher, the "bridge" part is optional and it seems simpler to
omit it. We will definitely get rid of the OR.
> Do we want to add a type for plain Tor bridges? Tor Launcher could just
strip it out when getting/setting the configuration; eventually, if tor is
modified to support the new type TL can be changed to just pass it through
to tor. If the answer is "yes" we will need to decide on a good type
keyword to use. Maybe just "tor"?
> The other thing mentioned on IRC was the idea of using the same type
keywords in the dropdown menu as we use in torrc. Should we do that?
Then the dropdown would look something like:
> {{{
> +----------------------+
> | obfs3 (recommended) |
> | flashproxy |
> | scramblesuit |
> +----------------------+
> }}}
Yes, I think the version with the literal names ('obfs3' instead of
'ObfsProxy') is better. Since we are exposing transport names to users,
let's expose the correct ones. Maybe we could do
obfs3 (obfsproxy) [recommended]
so that people recognize the obfsproxy name.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10418#comment:27>
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