[tor-bugs] #9442 [TorBrowserButton]: Add New Circuit button to TorButton for TBB alpha 3.x
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Sat Jan 25 04:44:43 UTC 2014
#9442: Add New Circuit button to TorButton for TBB alpha 3.x
Reporter: | Owner: mikeperry
cypherpunks | Status: new
Type: | Milestone:
enhancement | Version:
Priority: normal | Keywords: tbb-newnym, tbb-usability, extdev-
Component: | interview
TorBrowserButton | Parent ID:
Resolution: |
Actual Points: |
Points: |
Comment (by toruser23):
Replying to [ticket:9442 cypherpunks]:
> '''From the blog:'''
> > I think a lot of the reasons people click newnym are somewhat harmful
to the Tor network (more circuits made), so I'm torn.
There are many legitimate reasons too.
Replying to [comment:8 mikeperry]:
> I suppose we could burry a "New Circuit" button in the Network Settings
window somewhere that does SIGNAL NEWNYM only.
Please do not "bury" this somewhere there are so so so SO many times where
I'll encounter a webite that decides to either use google recaptchas when
you make too many connections from the same IP or decides to use
cloudflare which sometimes won't even allow you to try and solve the
captcha at all!
Also another horrible aspect of google recaptchas that make me use NEWNYM
is that when you're coming from an exit node outside your country the
words tend to be even harder to solve cause they're not in your native
Please reconsider.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9442#comment:10>
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