[tor-bugs] #10192 [Pluggable transport]: websocket-server seems to be (very) slow
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Thu Jan 23 16:47:22 UTC 2014
#10192: websocket-server seems to be (very) slow
Reporter: Aymeric | Owner: asn
Type: defect | Status: needs_information
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Pluggable transport | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by dcf):
Replying to [comment:11 Aymeric]:
> A more relevant proof, with latest release of FF open page1 and page2:
> http://peersm.com/peersm
> Key: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
> Make sure page1 is connected to tor1.bamsoftware.com, if not refresh the
page until you see it has chosen tor1 (look at the debug div "start
websocket ws://xxx", there are only two ws nodes for now)
> Upload a 10 MB file from your disk inside page1 storage.
> Use the reference you got to download it from page2, you can try n times
you will never get more than 300 kbps
> Do the same with page1 connected to, you will get a much
higher rate.
I tried the page you pointed to, but nothing happens after I select a file
to upload, and there are these errors in the Web Console:
[08:32:17.703] InvalidStateError @ https://peersm.com/node-browser.js:45
[08:32:34.507] TypeError: f is undefined @ https://peersm.com/node-
Please go back and read comment:8. I am ignoring this ticket until you
take those basic debugging steps. I need you to test websocket-server and
websocket-client both on localhost. Do not test against tor1. Do not test
with peersm in place of websocket-client, or I will continue to ignore the
In comment:4 I tested the main flash proxy use case, and it worked as
If you really think there is a problem with the websocket-server, you need
to show me evidence that it is the case. You haven't even shown evidence
that the problem, if it exists, is with websocket-server and not tor1
itself. This is the simplest thing of all to test: Just set up websocket-
server on a different host and see if it behaves the same. I really cannot
take any action on this ticket until you do these basic steps.
I am grateful that you are taking the time to make these reports. But
please, you need to do some things differently in order for the reports to
be more useful. Please read comment:8 again.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10192#comment:12>
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