[tor-bugs] #9901 [TorBrowserButton]: DoS of TBB 2.4/3.0 when no Content-Type header and more than 512 bytes of content are sent
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Tue Jan 21 11:18:01 UTC 2014
#9901: DoS of TBB 2.4/3.0 when no Content-Type header and more than 512 bytes of
content are sent
Reporter: sqrt2 | Owner: mikeperry
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: TorBrowserButton | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: tbb-usability
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by gk):
Replying to [comment:74 mikeperry]:
> I think the right fix here is to remove external-app-blocker.js from
Torbutton, and patch the Firefox app launching code to emit our custom
confirmation dialog before actually launching the app (or create another
observer for this purpose).
The observer idea sounds good. This way other extensions and Mozilla
itself may use this, too.
> Unfortunately, the external app launching code itself is a little hairy
and convoluted. The starting points are
nsExternalHelperAppService::DoContent() and
nsExternalHelperAppService::LoadURI(). It looks like there are still a few
entrypoints there to launch external apps that happen before Mozilla tries
to present their version of the app launch confirmation dialogs.
Unfortunately, some of these points may happen in what appears to be
compile-time generated C++ code.
> I can also try to bring this to Mozilla's attention to see if they are
willing to write a proper fix themselves, since this silent app launching
behavior is a longstanding issue in their own confirmation dialog system.
Might at least be interesting to know what they think about. I was always
under the impression that this "feature" was on purpose to save some time:
"The user clicks on the resource, hence she wants to have it (be it opened
somewhere else or saving it), thus lets already download it in the
background before the final decision is made".
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9901#comment:76>
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