[tor-bugs] #10657 [- Select a component]: Conversation guidelines between good and impaired
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Sat Jan 18 13:17:06 UTC 2014
#10657: Conversation guidelines between good and impaired
Reporter: bilalshah21 | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: - Select a component | Version:
Keywords: | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
This leaflet provides information and tips that both normal hearing and
hearing-impaired can help improve communication. It also provides tips and
information about the possibilities and limitations of hearing aids and
how to communicate optimally. Hearing impaired
This booklet is designed for both normal hearing, which in their area know
someone who is hard of hearing and hearing impaired who want to
communicate with normal hearing. The hearing of one of the partners may
occasionally hiccups in communication occur. Some of these communication
problems can be solved if both partners have good information and
furthermore willing to consider the other. on the usefulness of a hearing
aid A hearing aid is a tool and not a drug. The hearing aid only partially
restore hearing. This means that despite the hearing aid hearing-impaired
can hear a good hearing. Less Moreover, there are situations where a
hearing aid or no help. In a noisy situation, for example, the hearing aid
amplifies the noise as much as the voice of the caller. Speech
understanding in these situations is therefore holed an instrument very
difficult for a hearing impaired. This obviously affects the talks. The
response of the hearing loss may be strange if he can not understand
properly and thus misinterprets. A good hearing may find it annoying
having to repeat or perform. Wavering call all And hearing loss can
sometimes feel burdened to repeatedly ask for clarification. There may be
misunderstandings sometimes for both parties to laugh, but also can be
very annoying. If both partners realize this is already a good basis for
discussion. What you can do if you are hard of hearing:
If you want to take into account, with you always tell your partner that
you do not hear well. If you do not tell shame that you may hear less
annoying misunderstandings. Your party can think for example that you are
not interested, that you have no sense of humor, or you're being rude.
Tell your partner how he can help to proceed. Better call you After all,
you can not assume that a good hearing knows what to do or how he can help
you to understand him better. You Optionally, you can let him read it.
If you pretend you understand something, there may be unpleasant
misunderstandings. Someone may think that he has told or asked you
something and you can get nasty comments if you do not respond in the
expected way.
Provide a quiet environment with minimal background noise. Turn off music
or television (if possible). Go if need be with your partner to another
quieter room.
Maintain eye contact with your partner. If you can see the face of your
interlocutor is easier to understand what he says. This is because you,
whether consciously or not, uses voice refrain (lipreading).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10657>
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