[tor-bugs] #10593 [Firefox Patch Issues]: Clipboard data might be leaking
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Tue Jan 14 10:24:19 UTC 2014
#10593: Clipboard data might be leaking
Reporter: gk | Owner: mikeperry
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Firefox Patch | Version:
Issues | Keywords: tbb-linkability,
Resolution: | tbb-3.0
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: |
Comment (by gk):
Replying to [comment:2 mikeperry]:
> What is the scope of this? In #10285, you said cross-origin. Does that
just mean 3rd parties on the current tab? Or all tabs?
> In either case, this seems like something Mozilla should be aware of. If
I am writing some kind of webapp that sources third party content in
iframes (like ads), it seems bad to have those third party frames
observing *any* events outside their origin. In fact, that is usually
Okay, I was a bit brief regarding "cross-origin content". It just meant
that wherever I copied/cut the content from (could be from the same origin
or from a different origin (being loaded e.g. in a different tab) or even
chrome (like the URL bar)) the first party I am pasting the content into
might get that data. At first glance this seems like no big deal as users
actually want that the data they paste into, say, a form should be
available to the site hosting it (Do they? Maybe they made a mistake and
are (or better: were) glad that they can delete the wrong pasting before
pressing the "Send" button). But that changes as soon as one realizes that
third party scripts included into the website have the same power as they
are treated as first party.
Regarding your iframe example: That should be no problem as iframes are
not allowed to attach those listeners to the parent document.
> What about pasting things into the url bar or other chrome areas? Is
that still visible to content?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10593#comment:3>
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