[tor-bugs] #10626 [Tor bundles/installation]: onion won't peel
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Jan 13 20:44:43 UTC 2014
#10626: onion won't peel
Reporter: iggymoe | Owner: erinn
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Tor bundles/installation | Version: Tor: unspecified
Keywords: | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
i downloaded and installed !TorBrowserBunudle Ver3.5. the very first time
i ran it i saw this, (see the 1st attachment). [[BR]]i clicked connect and
saw this (see second attachment). then i was able to connect and surf,
(see third attachment).[[BR]][[BR]]i then closed the browser and reopen a
while latter, this is what i saw.(fourth attachment) entered address and
saw this, [[BR]](fifth attachment). thought that i might have done
something wrong during installation, so i deleted the Tor folder and tried
again. got the same thing.[[BR]][[BR]]next thing i thought was firewall, i
use zonealarm and the router has one. [[BR]]i checked zonealarm and the
only thing that i found in it for Tor was Plugin Hang UI for Tor Browsers.
set this to trusted and allow on everything. then i checked the
router/gatway. i'm kinda leary of giving out the info on that, but i will
if need be.also i will say that my isp is att and it came from them. also
i wonder if att might be the source of the problem, they are part of the
six strike deal and they have said at the end of last year that they have
technology, to track bit torrents and other stuff don't remember extactly
right now. i don't know if they block or filter anything.
anyway i checked the firewall settings for the router/gateway, and didn't
see anything that pertained to Tor that might stop it. [[BR]]or at least i
think i did, not sure. [[BR]][[BR]]after doing this i reinstalled Tor,
did the same thing.the next time i reinstalled, in the Tor Settings box
that come up instead of connect, i clicked configure box. first time i did
this i didn't know all the answers and just said no, and then it connected
again. closed it and got the same as before able to connect first time
unable to after closing and reopen.[[BR]]so uninstall, reinstall again,
this time in the i tried to copy firefox's settings. i use firefox 26,
thing is that firefox is set for auto detect proxy settings for this
network( see the sixth attachment).. so i had no settings to go by and
just clicked out no.was able to connect the first time , but not after
closing. so in what is suppose to be the Tor browser (seventh attachment),
i went to options, set to auto detect proxy host, cleared out proxy host
box, port box and no proxy for box. no joy. does the same thing.( 8th
[[BR]]i then emailed help at torproject, told them the same thing after about
about emails, in which all they said was i had the wrong version or i
wasn't starting Tor right. then after i gave them more details of the
steps i did. they said they didn't know and to start a bug trac. so here i
'am. does anyone have any idea what i should do.[[BR]][[BR]]i really want
to use Tor, but i cant, and uninstall, or should i say extract and
deleteing it over and over is not a option.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10626>
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