[tor-bugs] #9387 [Tor Launcher]: Tor Launcher/Torbutton should provide a "Security Slider"
Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki
blackhole at torproject.org
Mon Jan 6 09:43:54 UTC 2014
#9387: Tor Launcher/Torbutton should provide a "Security Slider"
Reporter: | Owner: brade
mikeperry | Status: new
Type: | Milestone:
enhancement | Version:
Priority: major | Keywords: tbb-security, tbb-usability, tbb-
Component: Tor | linkability, tbb-3.0
Launcher | Parent ID:
Resolution: |
Actual Points: |
Points: |
Comment (by cypherpunks):
Replying to [comment:24 arma]:
> The goal of this ticket is to let the user select a security posture,
which would affect multiple settings, before any pages are even loaded.
Yes, I get that.
I already change multiple settings with PrefBar, but I need to toggle each
checkbox or button instead of "sliding". And sometimes I need to add or
modify buttons. (Changes made with PrefBar also takes effect before any
pages are loaded.)
There is a different user experience between a slider and the row of
checkboxes that PrefBar offers. In time, the users will decide which is
But I find PrefBar useful, and have not found anything suspicious about
I would welcome your, brade or Mikes opinion on this addon, after it has
been examined. It may not replace the slider, but it could be added to the
recommended list.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9387#comment:25>
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